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Hidden Places

Forgotten, hidden and unknown places in Vienna - Part 1

Hidden places in Vienna

Have you ever wondered which places in Vienna are rather unknown and whether you can also visit them? If so, then this blog post is for you. We'll tell you in the first part of this series 7 forgotten, hidden and unknown places in Vienna that you probably don't know yet. So, let's go!

##1. Porta Dextra in Haas & Haas, Ertlgasse 4, 1010 Vienna At “Hoher Markt in Ertlgasse 4” in the 1st district there is a real jewel in many respects - the delicatessen shop Porta Dextra run by the Haas family. At first glance, that doesn't sound particularly unusual, but anyone who has already visited the shop and the hidden wine cellar probably appreciates this place.

Directly below the shop is one of the largest and most extensive cellars in Vienna's city center, some of which date back to the 4th century - old Roman bricks are also still preserved there.

What is special is that you do not have to pay an entrance fee to visit the wine cellar. Nevertheless, we would definitely recommend a glass of Austrian wine while taking in the almost forgotten wine cellar. We also offer a special tour for all wine lovers.

Wine tasting vienna

2. Stephen's Cathedral and its hidden attic

Both locals and tourists usually pass St. Stephen's Cathedral in the 1st district several times during their stay. But who knows the inside? The north and south towers of the impressive cathedral building can also be visited daily. It is less public that the imposing attic of St. Stephen's Cathedral can also be visited. Where should one get this information from? After all, there is not even a website where the tours are offered.

Nevertheless, we have the opportunity to offer guided tours in small groups to visit the roof truss from the inside and outside. In addition to spectacular photos with a great view of Vienna's city center, you also get a completely new perspective of Vienna's most famous landmark.

This authentic experience off the beaten track can also be booked with us. Are you interested? More info.

Guided Tour Stephen's Cathedral

3. Liechtenstein City Palace, Bankgasse 9, 1010 Vienna

Nobility, art and principality - these are three terms that could not describe the magnificent Liechtenstein city palace more appropriately.

The historic palace in the middle of Vienna's old town is without a doubt one of the buildings most worth seeing, especially from the inside. The rather bad news - the palace is still privately owned by the princely family of Liechtenstein and can only be visited to a limited extent by the public. The good news, however, is that public tours are offered several times a month, during which you can marvel at the festive halls and impressive chambers. Art fans also get their money's worth, because by the way, one of the largest private art collections in the world is located in the Liechtenstein City Palace.

4. Virgil Chapel, Stephansplatz underground station, 1010 Vienna

Fans of secret societies such as the Knights Templar or Freemasons – be aware - right next to Stephansplatz in the 1st district is the mystical and Gothic church, which still poses numerous mysteries today.

The unique chapel was deliberately built underground in the years 1220-1230. The question immediately arises - why was that so and how was the church rediscovered in 1973?

If you want to answer these questions for yourself, you have to stop by yourself. In any case, a visit is worthwhile and, with an entrance fee of 5 euros per person, it is more than okay. Audio guides are also included in the entrance fee - so what are you waiting for?

Virgil Chapel Vienna
© @bwmarchitects via Wikimedia Commons

5. Kutschkermarkt, 1180 Vienna

The Kutschkermarkt in the 18th district is perfect for those who find Vienna's well-known Naschmarkt a bit too hectic.

Away from the pulsating city center you will find many small markets that have a lot to offer. From fresh vegetables, plants and flowers to clothing and culinary delights, the range is wide. The area around the market is particularly idyllic and invites you to linger a little longer to be enchanted by the flair.

Kutschkermarkt Vienna

6. Forgotten Underworld, 1010 Vienna

Did you know that there is a parallel world hidden beneath the beautiful and magnificent city center of Vienna?

The 1st district of Vienna has a complete basement. Few know the dark places and tunnels of the underworld. The secret corridors lead to old air-raid shelters, bunkers, catacombs and many other hidden places. Some of the cellars are up to 15 meters underground and some extend over 4-5 floors.

Our mission was to make this second world accessible to the public on a small scale. That's why we're now offering a tour that gives you an insight into the spooky Viennese underground.

Curious? Then follow this path, we look forward to seeing you.

7. Secret roof terrace, 1010 Vienna

Do you know the city inside out, do you even live in Vienna or have you been here before? Then this discovery is just right for you. Because we will show you Vienna as you probably don't know it - from a completely different perspective.

High up you get a different impression of the Austrian capital in a quiet and pleasant atmosphere away from the hustle and bustle of the city center. On top of that you will enjoy a glass of sparkling wine and a few delicious rolls.


We thank you for browsing through our blog post and wish you only one thing: Have fun discovering, exploring and experiencing Vienna from a different side (“Wien mal anders” – our company name).

And for everyone who hasn't had enough, there are more exciting insider tips in Vienna in our second part.